Q1 Instruction Set



Name Width Description
A 8 bits ALU result
B 8 bits First ALU source
C 8 bits Second ALU source
X 16 bits Index register (divided into XL and XH)
P 16 bits Program counter
N 16 bits Next program counter
I 8 bits Instruction latch
O 16 bits Operand latch
CF 1 bit Carry flag
ZF 1 bit Zero flag (1 if zero)
NF 1 bit Sign flag (1 if negative)

Jump Instructions

All jump instructions are 3 bytes. The first nibble is 0000 to indicate a jump instruction. The second nibble is the type of jump. All jumps are absolute to the specified address.

Opcode Mnemonic Description C Z N
0000 0000 J addr Jump to addr ---
0000 0001 JC addr Jump if CF to addr ---
0000 0010 JZ addr Jump if ZF to addr ---
0000 0011 JCZ addr Jump if CF and ZF to addr ---
0000 0100 JN addr Jump if NF to addr ---
0000 0101 JCN addr Jump if CF and NF to addr ---
0000 0110 JZN addr Jump if ZF and NF to addr ---
0000 0111 JCZN addr Jump if CF, ZF, and NF to addr ---
0000 1000 C addr X <- P and jump to addr ---
0000 1001 CC addr If CF, X <- P and jump to addr ---
0000 1010 CZ addr If ZF, X <- P and jump to addr ---
0000 1011 CCZ addr If CF and ZF, X <- P and jump to addr ---
0000 1100 CN addr If NF, X <- P and jump to addr ---
0000 1101 CCN addr If CF and NF, X <- P and jump to addr ---
0000 1110 CZN addr If ZF and NF, X <- P and jump to addr ---
0000 1111 CCZN addr If CF, ZF, and NF, X <- P and jump to addr ---

Load/Store Instructions

All load/store instructions are 3 bytes. The first nibble is 0001 to indicate a load/store instruction. The second nibble is the type of load/store instruction. All loads and stores are indirect through the specified absolute address.

Opcode Mnemonic Description C Z N
0001 0000 LDB addr B <- [addr] ---
0001 0001 LDC addr C <- [addr] ---
0001 0010 LXH addr XH <- [addr] ---
0001 0011 LXL addr XL <- [addr] ---
0001 0100 STB addr [addr] <- B ---
0001 0101 STC addr [addr] <- C ---
0001 0110 SXH addr [addr] <- XH ---
0001 0111 SXL addr [addr] <- XL ---
0001 1000 STA addr [addr] <- A ---

Math Instructions

All math instructions are 1 byte. The first nibble is 0010 to indicate a math instruction. The second nibble specifies the function.

Opcode Mnemonic Description C Z N
0010 0000 AND A <- B AND C 0**
0010 0001 OR A <- B OR C 0**
0010 0010 SHL A <- B << 1 ***
0010 0011 SHR A <- B >> 1 **0
0010 0100 ADD A <- B + C ***
0010 0101 INC A <- B + 1 ***
0010 0110 DEC A <- B - 1 ***
0010 0111 NOT A <- NOT B 0**
0010 1000 CLR A <- 0 010

Other Instructions

All instructions of this class are 1 byte. The first nibble is 0011. The second nibble indicates the function.

Opcode Mnemonic Description C Z N
0011 0000 MAB B <- A ---
0011 0001 MAC C <- A ---
0011 0010 SAX [X] <- A ---
0011 0011 SBX [X] <- B ---
0011 0100 SCX [X] <- C ---
0011 0101 LBX B <- [X] ---
0011 0110 LCX C <- [X] ---
0011 0111 RET P <- X (jump to X) ---
0011 1000 HLT Halt ---